Montag, Mai 09, 2016

FREE WIFI aus Barcelona stellt sich vor!

Instagram ist die neue Macht im Skateboarding und einige Skater verstehen es, diese Macht extrem gut und dabei trotzdem unterhaltsam zu nutzen. Manchen gelingt es sogar ein kleines Label, basierend auf einem Instagram-Account auf die Beine zu stellen.

FREE WIFI aus Barcelona ist eine dieser Crews - Die Jungs überzeugen nicht nur durch kreative und unterhaltsame Clips, sondern auch durch ein paar extrem stilsichere Klamotten, welche sie unter dem Label FREE WIFI in die Welt vertreiben.

Deshalb und weil Raul Valencia (einer der Hauptfiguren hinter FREE WIFI) und ich seit knapp 15 Jahren Kumpels sind, gibt es hier nun das exklusive Domliebe X FREE WIFI Interview:

DOMLIEBE: What is FREEWIFI – a company, a crew, both?

FREE WIFI: Well, at first we were a crew. We had some friends here (in Barcelona) from Puerto Rico and the States and it all started as a joke and it became a thing. Then we became kind of a company, so it´s both.

DOMLIEBE: Who are the guys behind this project?

FREE WIFI: The “company” is David de los Santos and me. He lives in Paris and I live here in Barcelona. We get help from Jose (sixsas) sometimes too. Like Jose is usually the one who edits the clips, but David and I are the ones who are in charge of it.

DOMLIEBE: What´s your connection to FTC Barcelona?

FREE WIFI: I worked there for a long time and Julio has been our friend since forever. He’s part of FREE WIFI too and he’s been down with the company since we began. That’s why everything we do is going to be there (at FTC Barcelona) first.

Ein von @freewifi15 gepostetes Video am

DOMLIEBE: FREE WIFI is a lot about reporting your crew’s skate-life on Instagram. How do you feel about using the Instagram game so strong?

FREE WIFI: We just go out skating and film whatever while we skate. We don’t go to a place like to do a specific trick and since usually we’re a big group, there’s always someone filming.

Ein von @freewifi15 gepostetes Video am

DOMLIEBE: I saw some Instagram clips you were pushing on the ledge while grinding or sliding. Did you see this somewhere first, or did you invent this kind of tricks?

FREE WIFI: Yea, I saw Michael Pulizzi doing that and I just started trying to make it different and that it looks good at the same time.

DOMLIEBE: Beside FREE WIFI there are more well known Instagram accounts like @gronze and @soloenmacba coming from Barcelona (MACBA). How do you guys get all the good shit on video all the time?

FREE WIFI: It’s because we are a big crew and there’s always someone filming. That way we have a lot of stuff filmed at the end of the day. We all go back home with 1% battery on our phones hahaha.

DOMLIEBE: What about the non-Barcelona FREE WIFI guys? I saw Jura reppin FREE WIFI in Madrid a lot.

FREEWIFI: Yea, we always send Jura product. He’s our friend and part of FREE WIFI. We like how he skates and he’s a really nice guy.
Apart from him, there are more people that aren’t from here, there’s Javi and Joseph from Puerto Rico, they were here when all started last summer and they are part of the crew.
The Pizza guys too, Geno, Ricardo and Jesse. All of our close friends  are part of FREE WIFI.

DOMLIEBE: You just put out some fresh FREE WIFI shirts. What are your plans for the future? More clothing, a new Instagram edit?

FREEWIFI: We’ll just keep doing what we are doing, in terms of clips and edits it’s just when we have material we get it out.
For the next “drop” we’ll try to come up with more stuff like couple of tees, hat and hoodie of something we still need to see.

Wer Interesse an ein paar freshen FREE WIFI Klamotten hat, der besucht den FREE WIFI ONLINE SHOP oder den ONLINE SHOP VOM FTC BARCELONA!

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